A file photo of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Sergey Lavrov has claimed that Nato wants to pull Ukraine into the alliance in comments on state television on Sunday Jan 30, 2022, amid escalating tensions over expansion of the organisation and fears that Russia is preparing to invade Ukraine. Russia's massing of an estimated 100,000 troops near the border with Ukraine has brought increasingly strong warnings from the West that Moscow intends to invade. Russia has long resented Nato granting membership to countries that were once part of the Soviet Union or were in its sphere of influence as members of the Warsaw Pact.
Russian FM Says NATO wants to drag Ukraine into Alliance - 31 Jan 2022,Image: 657773354, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
Loviturile aeriene ale Israelului joi asupra Siriei i-au violat suveranitatea şi dreptul internaţional, a declarat Ministerul rus de Externe.
Potrivit ministerului, forţele aeriene israeliene au deteriorat pistele aeroporturilor internaţionale din Damasc şi Alep, forţându-le să-şi suspende operaţiunile.
„În contextul escaladării bruşte a situaţiei din zona conflictului palestiniano-israelian, astfel de acţiuni în forţă pot duce la consecinţe extrem de periculoase, deoarece ar putea provoca o escaladare armată în întreaga regiune. Acest lucru nu trebuie lăsat niciodată să se întâmple”, a subliniat ministerul.