Local Elections2020/Orban: Vacaresti Delta, to become oasis; land to be redirected to Capital..

Local Elections2020/Orban: Vacaresti Delta, to become oasis; land to be redirected to Capital City Hall
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Prime Minister Ludovic Orban participated, on Tuesday, in an electoral event of the National Liberal Party (PNL) and Save Romania Union – Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity Alliance (USR PLUS Alliance) in Bucharest District 4, where he stated that the Vacaresti Delta (ed.n. – the urban delta of the Vacaresti Natural Park), with the help of specialists, can become „an oasis” and a high point of attraction in Bucharest.
He was at the Youth Park Amphitheater, at the launch of the local governing program of Simona Spataru, the candidate supported by PNL and USR PLUS for District 4 City Hall.
„I can’t wait for the team led by Nicusor Dan to reach the Capital City Hall and at Dirstrict 4 – the team led by Simona Spataru, so that together we can redirect the land to the Capital City Hall, so that we can be sure that no apartment buildings are built there or other funny businesses conceived by the mafia behind PSD [the Social Democratic Party], but there will really be an oasis there and a green lung of Bucharest and a high point of attraction for any tourist who comes to Bucharest. The Vacaresti Delta is a place where I am convinced that through a project competition, in which to call landscape architects, even internationally, we can generate a sensational project, that could become an additional point of attraction in Bucharest,” said Orban.
The PNL and USR-PLUS candidate for District 4 City Hall, Simona Spataru, said that among her objectives are the inclusion of the Amphitheater in the Youth Park and the Vacaresti Delta on the Capital’s tourist.
„I have an objective close to my heart, related to Environment – the Vacaresti Delta. Here, where I will ask for the support of the mayor Nicusor Dan. I know that he also loves that objective. And like this one, the Amphitheater, I think they will both be on the tourist map of the Capital. We need the Amphitheater for young people, for art, for culture, we need the Delta for health, to increase the tourist value of Bucharest. And for this I will fight together with Nicusor Dan to achieve an important tourist objective,” said Simona Spataru.
Orban mentioned that „Bucharest needs to be rebalanced, needing support from the government as well.”
„Support will be provided from the governmental level for this rebalancing, so that the south may rise, which is extremely important to increase the quality of life in the southern part of Bucharest, mainly in Dirstrict 4 – investment park, generating areas that really foster development, the construction of the motor way that started in the south, the Bucharest ring road (…). Last but not least, a project that can become possible, of an airport in the south, that will create an important development factor,” Orban added. AGERPRES (RO – author: Livia Popescu, editor: Florin Marin; EN – editor: Simona Iacob)
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